Call for Proposals - Double-degree Agreement
USP International Cooperation Office (Aucani) launches a Call for Proposals regarding double degree agreements.
USP International Cooperation Office (Aucani) launches a Call for Proposals regarding double degree agreements.
A Master Dissertation from Lorena Engineering School (EEL)-USP aimed at finding new materials that can be used as sensors and actuators (elements that produce movement, from manual, electrical or mechanical commands). This Dissertation considered both the cost and magnetostrictive property of materials, in order to create a transducer for the tests. The magnetostriction is a physical phenomenon in which the materials are physically deformed (enlarging or contracting) with only the application of a magnetic field that interacts with the magnetic component of the atoms in the material, causing a separation or approaching of them.
A research conducted at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences (ICMC) - USP at São Carlos allows one to monitor and differentiate species and insects sex according to the sound made by their wings. Taking advantage of this sound, a trap, very different from those used today, was created. The trap does not stick or kills the bugs and do not need a biologist to do the ratings.
On October 29th, 2015 at the Universidad Gabriela Mistral (Chile) it was signed the agreement to create the Latin American Network of Medieval Studies. This agreement includes the participation of medievalists from Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Costa Rica and Peru.
Every year, the Economic History graduate program of the History Department at USP organizes a thematic symposium in order to promote relevant discussions in the academic community and society. In 2015, the Symposium theme in contemporary history will be the "70th anniversary of the World War II End“. The symposium provides for international talks, plenary discussions, and papers presented by researchers.
More information in Portuguese.
By Diego Freire | FAPESP Agency – Researchers of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences (ICMC) with the University of São Paulo ( USP ) at São Carlos (SP), and the Brown University in Rhode Island, USA, have developed a computational tool that empowers innovative techniques for image segmentation. Such techniques make it easier the task of modifying a digital image considering a selection of some existing element inside the image, and then to highlight, modify or delete the element.
Image segmentation is an important field within the digital image processing and pattern recognition areas. The new proposed techniques take advantage of Laplace coordinates, a mathematical operator used to study phenomena in several fields of science such as astronomy, fluid mechanics and computer graphics.
More information in Portuguese
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