One of the Graduate Studies Office main concerns is the effort to strengthen our Graduate Programs internationalization. A special committee was created to this intent, and new opportunities are being tailored to the Programs.

Government agencies, such as CAPES and CNPq support our initiatives in this direction. Academic agreements and partnerships with national and international universities and institutions are operated by International Cooperation Office (AUCANI) together with PRPG.

Internationalization takes place especially through bilateral agreements, which formalize joint research projects developments between Brazilian and foreign groups. There is funding for work/research missions carried out by professors and students in order to support activities of approved proposals.

There are special scholarship Programs for Master's and Doctorate students from Portuguese-speaking countries, as well as for Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean countries, under the PEC-PG program (Student Agreement Program Graduate from CAPES). 


  • Double-Titration

External Actions

  • PEC-PG

 Government agencies

  • CNPq

Agenda PRPG

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