Cooperação acadêmica e científica entre a USP e a Humboldt Universität , 30 de novembro de 2021 de 9h30 às 12h30.

Virtual information session about (funding-) opportunities in Germany for Post-Graduates (MA, PhD, and beyond) of the Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Organized in alliance with our strategic partner in Germany: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HUB) 


9h15 -9h30




Welcome Remarks

Prof. Marcio de Castro Silva Filho, Adjunct Provost, Graduate Office, USP

Prof. Valmor Tricoli, President, AUCANI, USP

Dr. Yoan Vilain, The President's Representative for International Affairs (HUB)

9h30 - 9h45


Introduction to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Dr. Ursula Hans, Deputy Head of International Office (HUB)

9h45 - 10h




Strategic Partnership between Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HUB), AUCANI and PRPG USP

Dr. Britta Schumacher, Strategic Partnership Manager, HUB

Prof. Niels Olsen Saraiva Camara, MD 

Prof. Valmor Tricoli, President, AUCANI, USP

10h - 10h15 Q&A
10h15 - 10h30

Deutsches Wissenschafts- und Innovationshaus (DWIH) São Paulo

Dr. Daniela Theuer, Program Officer at DWIH São Paulo

10h30 - 10h45

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) - Funding Opportunities

Francine Camelim, Program Officer at DAAD São Paulo
10h45 - 11h

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Funding Opportunities

Prof. Dietrich Halm, Director International Cooperation with Latin America at DFG

11h - 11h30  Q&A
11h30 - 11h45

Prof. Giselles Beiguelman

11h45 - 12h

Nathalia Lavigne (Doctoral Student from USP currently at HUB)

12h - 12h15


12h15 - 12h30

Closing Remarks


Evento on-line e gratuito. O evento será conduzido em inglês, sem tradução simultânea.


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