The University of São Paulo (USP) and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Brazil, launch an International Program seeking to fill 15 (fifteen) Postdoctoral Fellows coupled to Tenure-Track positions at the Assistant Professor level for Young Talent international researchers in all areas of knowledge.
Candidates eligible are foreign-born or Brazilians with permanent residence abroad. This joint hire between USP and CAPES is part of a newly-established program to foster internationalization of the academic environment at USP, bringing together domain scientists, visualization researchers, and learning scientists to engage in novel research and outreach related to scientific issues and concepts in all areas of knowledge. Each fellowship will be of R$ 8.905,42/month (U$ 2,800.00), travel and installation assistance and seed grant of R$ 10.000,00/year (U$ 3,000.00/year); For more information, see http://www.usp.br/internationaloffice/en/
Postdoctoral fellowships are appointed for up to 30 months, however, after 12 months from the beginning of the research/teaching activities, the University of São Paulo will open Tenure Track positions in the corresponding areas of the selected postdoctoral researchers.
Candidates should have an excellent and outstanding record of research, carry out innovative, impactful research of strategic relevance to USP that will, where possible, lead to novel and important scientific outcomes. It is expected that candidates will contribute to the development of innovative ideas and concepts for future research, and are expected to be involved with university teaching.
Responsibilities include: (1) meaningful collaboration with faculty and in the relevant academic department; (2) development and maintenance of an ongoing program of scholarly research; (3) design, teaching, and coordination of core undergraduate and graduate courses in one of our academic departments; (4) supervision of graduate students; (5) development of research funding proposals to appropriate national agencies and foundations; and (6) participation in faculty governance at the department, college, and university levels.
Submission of applications will begin October 15, 2016, and continue until January 31, 2017. Submit an application to AUCANI: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., including a CV, research project, three recommendation letters, and a justification statement by one of the teaching/research units of USP describing how your research and academic work will potentially impact and contribute to USP research and teaching activities. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. and have had some experience in the supervision of graduate and undergraduate students to have its submission accepted.
Reprodução: Revista Nature
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