The Nutrition in Public Health Graduate program (PPGNSP), master’s and doctoral program, established in 2007, was granted a grade 6 by Capes (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) for the last triennial.
It aims to form human resources for teaching and research, both basic/experimental and applied, and for acting in public policies regarding food and nutrition, seeking to contribute to advancing science and to promoting population health. Twenty six full time Professors participate as advisors.
There are 4 main research lines: 1) Diagnosing techniques and methods in nutritional and food assessment of individuals and populations; 2) Frequency, distribution, determinants and consequences of nutritional disorders in the Brazilian population; 3) Formulation and assessment of nutritional interventions; 4) Characterization, assessment and formulation of foods for nutrition and for promoting human health.
Besides the program eight laboratories and the infrastructure provided by the FSP-USP, the program counts on facilities for research activities at the USP-related hospitals and health services, such as Hospital das Clínicas, University Hospital, Children’s Institute, Butantã and Paula Souza Health Centers, Reference Center for Preventing and Controlling Nutrition and Vivarium-Related Disorders.