The Program was an initiative of professors and researchers from a variety of areas, such as sociology, communication, history, anthropology, psychology, geography, law, natural environment, arts, occupational therapy, linguistics and literature that focus their investigation on issues related to cultural diversities and their implications to knowledge and comprehension of reality.
The joint effort derives from dissatisfactions with limitations of disciplinary approaches, whose results are always partial, used to understand phenomena such as violence, inequalities, traditions and the absence of rights to significant portions of the population as well as lack of sociability and environmental and heritage protection in urban and rural areas that are seriously jeopardized.
The FFLCH is the institution responsible for managing the program, which also involves professors from the ESALQ, ECA, EACH, FD, IP and the Occupational Therapy of the FMUSP. The program aims to meet the challenge of contemporary coexistence of groups with different biological, cultural and economic characteristics, which has generated manifestations of antagonisms that result in gaps marked by hierarchical segments based on social classes, races/ethnicities, genders and religion.