The Graduate Program in Civil Engineering aims to graduate master’s and doctorate researchers who are able to identify the relevant needs of Brazilian society and to propose innovative solutions and methods in the field of Urban and Construction Engineering, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, and Hydraulic Engineering. The Program aims to qualify top researchers to work in academic teaching activities as well as in applied researches of the industrial and market sectors.
Since it was created, the Program has maintained a close relationship with society. Its faculty develops research and extension activities in partnership with governmental organizations, and with public and private companies, most of them including directly its students’ participation.
The students are offered benefits such as scholarships, financial aid to participate in scientific events, a wide laboratorial infrastructure and support for scientific investigation through research and technological cooperation agreements with the public and private sectors, universities, research institutes, and funding agencies, such as Capes, CNPq, FINEP and FAPESP. In the last years, the Program has maintained exchange agreements with foreign partner universities that provide a broader international visibility to its students and faculty’s researches.